Professional solutions for your industry



Professional solutions for
your industry

Нефтегазовая отрасль

Oil and gas industry

The scale and importance of the oil and gas industry in any country in the world are simply obvious. Fuel resources provide energy not only for the entire industrial sphere of the countries but also for almost all spheres of human activity.

SBS has extensive experience in working with leading oil and gas companies in Russia and the CIS, helping them to automate their business processes and remain efficient and successful. SBS has established multi-disciplinary teams that specialize in working with oil and gas companies and are ready to assist you at all stages of the project.

Our projects

Steel industry

In recent years, Russian metallurgy has been in the spotlight of domestic and foreign investors. Structural transformations, favorable foreign economic environment, growth of domestic demand against the background of sustainable economic growth, consolidation of assets and diversification of business, modernization of production and state support determine the high investment potential of the industry.

SBS has collaborated with leading companies in the metallurgical industry on many occasions. Our experience in this area allows us to quickly and effectively solve problems our clients have faced. SBS Metallurgical Specialists from various departments are ready to offer comprehensive solutions according to your business needs.

Our projects

Consumer industry

The consumer sector, with its high level of competition and rapid development, is a perspective area of activity and in the next few years, it will demonstrate strong growth rates against the backdrop of the improved well-being of the population and growth of the Russian economy as a whole.

This growth is based on retail, common catering and consumer services companies, which are at the top of the list of the most profitable sectors of the Russian economy. We have already completed a number of projects and, thanks to our industry expertise, we are helping our clients to adapt to current operational, financial and market changes.

Our projects